Your users will always be connected

Connectivity isn't always effortless, nearly half of the world's population cannot access to the Internet. NIC is solving this problem with unique solution: an Android SDK that uses SMS technology on the backgroud and this way connects offline users to the Internet - in real time.

Benefits of using NIC

For developers

No need for caching or storing your data locally. We provide easy to integrate SDK which can make real time requests when there's no internet.

For existing users

Your app can engage your existing users even when they are offline. This will prevent them to think about alternative options.

For new users

Your app attracts new users from emerging markets. This will increase your revenue and will give you uniqueness in the competition.


Behind NIC

We envision a world where everyone can access the Internet effortlesly and equally. The story of NIC is the story from disconnection to connection, from a problem to an invention. The very first solution of NIC is product of real world needs - an Uber ride - to be excact. A traveller who was often offline while travelling, and who just wanted to order Uber without Internet. This is how NIC was born. You can read about our first offline application Offline Ride for Uber from here.

What is your offline solution?

Join free trial

Want to try our product? If you are a developer and your application has more than 50 000 users, we offer you free trial of NIC SDK.
Contact us for more information.

Start Free Trial

Why offline services?

Does it really work?

Yes! Currently we have Offline Ride for Uber in Google Play store with more than 30K downloads and daily users, download and test it for yourself! Get the app from Google Play: Offline Ride for Uber

Why should our application use offline features?

There's people all around the world with different needs and interests with no connection. Providing services that connect Internet when the users are offline, your application can reach people the way you couldn't reach before. Unlock the offline features to your application, grow your userbase, downloads and business.

Who is this for?

Any developer, company, service provider, charity organization, you name it. Whether you are a taxi company, travel agency, bank or social media platform builder, offline features can boost up your business, give your company advantage on competitors or help your users to reach the Internet and your services.

Does it cost?

Contact us about pricing and contract and become subscriber. You will get access to NIC Developer's Portal to integrate NIC SDK with your application. Manage your appplications, get statistics of offline usage and handle the payments all in one place.

Do I need additional application to use NIC SDK?

No, you won't need a second app. NIC SDK can be implemented to your excisting Android application seamlessly. Notice our service is not available for IOS.

NIC SDK uses SMS technology, does this cost something to the users?

No, if your users have unlimited SMS package on their phone. If it's a regular package with paid SMS, the cost depends on the teleoperator. In general, data packages are more expensive than SMS packages and many users worldwide prefer limitless SMS packages.

How to access Developer's Portal?

Contact us and start subscribing NIC. We will send you link and access to the Developer's Portal for your company.

Interested about NIC? Contact Us!

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